
The Aging of Aquarius

Those rebellious boomers of the ’60s are ready for AARP. As aging movie star Bette Davis once warned, “Old age ain’t no place for sissies.” Amen, sister. Not that I’m anywhere near that “place.” But...

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: American Politicians Are A Greater Threat to Democracy Than ISIS

The lying campaign ads, shady voter ID laws and sanctioned dishonesty should be illegal—and those complicit should be arrested. The upcoming mid-term elections should inspire a swell of patriotic pride in our hearts as we...

The OC Register: Grading four new TV mysteries

While I was on the road with the Lakers, I spent much of my travel time reading history books and mysteries. To me, history and mystery books share very similar qualities. They both are filled...

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: Bruce Levenson Isn’t a Racist; He’s a Businessman

Sure, there are assumptions he makes that are cringeworthy—but the questions about how to attract more white fans were entirely reasonable. Well, the pitchforks are already sharpened and the torches lit anyway, so rather than...

The Rotarian: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s Three Rules of Retirement

I played professional basketball for 20 years, from 1969 to 1989, which means I’ve been retired for 25 years. Technically, I’ve been retired for longer than I’ve worked. But in those 25 years of “retirement,”...