The Guardian: Basketball is my first love, but the athleticism of beach volleyball is amazing


The sport has come a long way since it was an excuse to hang out at the beach with a beer. The skills of its athletes are breathtaking Not many people know that my friend and mentor Wilt Chamberlain was not just one of the greatest basketball players who ever lived, he was also a world-class…

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What My Life In Sports Has Taught Me


An exclusive guest-post for Thought Economics By: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar – The NBA’s All-Time Leading Scorer, 3x Award-Winning Columnist of the Year, NY Times Best-Selling Author & Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient. Sports has dominated my life for most of my seventysome years, not just as a career, but as set of values and teachings as codified as any…

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Mycroft and Sherlock: The Empty Birdcage


Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Anna Waterhouse. Titan, $25.99 (336p) ISBN 978-1-785659-30-0 Abdul-Jabbar and Waterhouse’s third pastiche (after 2018’s Mycroft and Sherlock), their best yet, provides intriguing challenges for both Mycroft and Sherlock Holmes while continuing to present plausible backstories for the brothers. In 1873, Mycroft and his longtime friend and partner, Cyrus Douglas, agree to help…

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